3 Inspiring and Unbelievable Places to Go In The Middle East – As you know, PullCast Creators and Designers get inspired by everything that surrounds them, but they especially draw inspiration from Nature. We believe that one of the best places to get some Natural Inspiration on this Planet is the Middle East and, for that reason, we decided to promote a small web journey to this part of the world. So join us and find ou 3 Truly Inspiring Places in the Middle East!
Spanning the coast of Israel to the deserts of Saudi Arabia, the Middle East is filled with some of the most extraordinary landscapes and cities in the world. From awe-inspiring natural phenomenon to exquisite historic sites reflecting each country’s heritage and culture.
One of the most iconic and beautiful places of the Middle East is the Dead Sea. Bordered by Jordan, Palestine and Israel, The Dead Sea is, in fact, a saltwater lake, known for being one of the world’s most saline bodies of water, as well as one of its most stunning. Thanks to its high salt content, The Dead Sea’s shores are filled with extraordinarily striking salt deposits and mineral formations, which beautifully contrast with its soft sands and the clear tranquillity of its water.
One of the Middle East’s most unique landscapes, Khor al-Udaid features an extraordinary juxtaposition of desert and sea on the Qatari coast of the Persian Gulf. By day the sea smoothly draws up amongst the soft white sand dunes, creating a beautifully clear and still inland sea, before retreating again at night. During sunsets, the landscape becomes all the more glorious, reflecting a myriad of rich colors on the sparkling sands and waters.
We also recommend a visit to the iconic Jeita Grotto. This amazing place consists of two interconnected limestone caves located in the Nahr al-Kalb valley in Lebanon. The upper grotto, which is accessible by walking, and the lower grotto, which is viewed from a rowboat on a lake winding through the cave. Both grottos feature awe-inspiring natural creations, including stalactites and stalagmites, mushrooms, columns and curtains. The glittering water, multi-colored rocks and dramatic formations create an ethereal, otherworldly atmosphere rarely experienced elsewhere.
After this three amazing natural examples, you don’t have any excuse for not visiting the Middle East and get inspired by some of the most beautiful sceneries in the world! Do like PullCast and get inspired by Nature and Beauty to create something amazing!
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