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Design MEETings with Luxury & More – Kinan Safi is an architect by background, but his passion for the world of interior design led him along this path. His formation has only benefited him, as the company Luxury & More, which he created in 2015, offers a complete service from architecture to interior design, delivering to the client everything finished and just as idealized.

design meetings Design MEETings with Thang Long Luxury Home WhatsApp Image 2021 05 04 at 14

Simplicity is the most luxurious!


Usually, when we talk about luxury interior design, what automatically comes to mind? Statement pieces, very garish and powerful atmospheres, right? But it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way. Luxury can be simple. Luxury & More showed us this very interesting perspective. Less can be more! And for them, simplicity is the key.



This is only possible because Luxury & More has the concern of brainstorming with the prospective client, to understand what the person is looking for and desiring. So that they can then understand if it’s possible to deliver that or if, on the other hand, it will be a lost-lost for both parties and there will be no point in continuing.

It is incredibly professional to have this ability! Much more important than accepting every project is to understand if it is a win-win project for both parties (company and client) and if not, to explain that it’s not possible to proceed.

This way, they don’t create expectations in people and avoid frustrating their employees by spending weeks of work excited about an idea that later the client doesn’t like.


This concern for people was something that inspired us. They are very aware of what a company involves: people. Luxury & More know how to manage them at all levels, including the psychological part.

They have a very clear and present human notion, and they worry about “wasting” time when it is necessary to support their employees and motivate them. “We really worry about our staff”. This is how success is achieved. Because in the end, it’s all about people. Dealing with people, working with people, creating what people envision, and delivering the dream house to people.

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Kinan Safi ends up, in a way, “selecting” the clients he works with because he has very well-defined what he likes and what he doesn’t like to do. He does not identify with the pure classic style. He prefers the modern. Simplicity, as we have already mentioned, is the central focus.

He doesn’t like to use too many patterns, for example, to tire the people living in the house and identify with the design as long as possible.  However, he doesn’t say no to any combination of colors and patterns. “There is always a way to match everything together…it’s just a matter of finding the right way.”


For Kinan, everything has an alignment. The starting point for him is the entrance of the house, and from there everything has a reason. Nothing is by coincidence; nothing is chosen and done randomly. Everything is thought out, studied, and all the rooms have the same style and register so that there is harmony throughout the house and a connection between all the rooms.

Of course, the cliché question came up, but it always makes perfect sense to ask: what inspires him? Hotels! Kinan Safi loves going to several hotels and that’s where he gets his inspiration a lot of the time. He doesn’t focus on just one room. For him, every corner of a hotel has enriching and inspiring details. It also ends up being a good “excuse” to always get to know new hotels, don’t you think? 🙂 It’s a beautiful way to put the useful with the pleasant.


For Kinan, everything has an alignment. The starting point for him is the entrance of the house, and from there everything has a reason. Nothing is by coincidence; nothing is chosen and done randomly. Everything is thought out, studied, and all the rooms have the same style and register so that there is harmony throughout the house and a connection between all the rooms.


Of course, the cliché question came up, but it always makes perfect sense to ask: what inspires him? Hotels! Kinan Safi loves going to several hotels and that’s where he gets his inspiration a lot of the time. He doesn’t focus on just one room. For him, e

very corner of a hotel has enriching and inspiring details. It also ends up being a good “excuse” to always get to know new hotels, don’t you think? 🙂 It’s a beautiful way to put the useful with the pleasant.


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