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An Amazing Penthouse in Barcelona by Susanna Cots


An Amazing Penthouse in Barcelona by Susanna Cots – Susanna Cots is one of the Proud and Joys of Spain and Cataluña! This top interior designer has a distinctive talent for designing spaces that expunge the borders between contrasts and balance all the components of unique design in search of coziness and sophistication. Inside each of her interior design projects, it is possible to see the emotions and a slow philosophy as the root of all creation. Today, PullCastwill present one of the top projects that was recently completed by Cotts! It’s a stunning penthouse in Barcelona that features a contemporary interior design that recaptures light in a very dark luxury home.


An Amazing Penthouse in Barcelona by Susanna Cots


This dark modern penthouse is situated in a busy part of Barcelona that desired tons of light, symmetries, and cubes. Susanna Cots discovers a new light immersed in black, cubes and glass: this is a modern interior design project by Susanna Cots that recollects light inside the home interior design.


An Amazing Penthouse in Barcelona by Susanna Cots


According to Susanna Cots, this contemporary interior design was built inside “a comfortable home with a timeless design that achieves a simple elegance and prioritizes feeling over fashion.” The top interior designer´s creative work is a balance that emerges from between the space and the emotions and visual comfort is apparent in a natural and imperceptible manner.


An Amazing Penthouse in Barcelona by Susanna Cots


The modern kitchen is incorporated by a skin of white cladding where all the contemporary bedrooms are hidden, creating the most intimate family shelter. However, the terrace thaws into the exterior through to the huge opening that lets the light flood in to emphasize the disparity between the white interior and the metallic black of outside space.


An Amazing Penthouse in Barcelona by Susanna Cots


Privacy and discretion are implemented by Susanna Cots through the symmetry between the master suite and the modern bedrooms. All the space is filled with light that accentuates the firmness of black, the color that mixes with an immeasurable white: this is, without any doubt, one of the unique design style characteristics and a inimitable mark of Susanna Cots and her design studio.




As you can in this modern interior design projectSusanna Cots’s work transcends the interior design universe: with passion, she has carved out a place in the ephemeral world of design by her simplicity and constancy. She plays with the light and fine materials and the layout of the interior design projects in order to get the right emotions out of the place.



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