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Explore The Craftsmanship At Homo Faber

Explore The Craftsmanship At Homo FaberThe first edition of Homo Faber has already started and it has been a huge success. This incredible design event, held in Venice from the 14th of September to the 30th, is truly a celebration of craftsmanship.

Explore The Craftsmanship At Homo FaberShowcasing the best examples of arts & craftsHomo Faber aims to prove the importance of keeping some ancient arts alive and Portugal happens to be there showcasing plenty of stunning pieces of art through major exclusive brands and artists. The event is already on its full swing and one of the Arts that is creating a gigantic buzz is the art of filigree, a jewelry technique used to solder tiny beads and twisted threads.

Explore The Craftsmanship At Homo FaberFiligree is the most delicate technique used to work precious metals, usually of gold and silver. It is an age-old and detailed jewelry expression in which skilled artisans painstakingly solder tiny beads and twisted threads to create striking artistic motifs, suggesting often an exquisite and intricate lace-like pattern.

Explore The Craftsmanship At Homo FaberBut filigree it isn’t the only Art represented at Homo Faber. There are many more, including several jewelry based arts, and some of them are used by PullCast’s artisans! It’s amazing to see dozens of artisans working live in their respective fields and see how they produce some stunning products!

Explore The Craftsmanship At Homo FaberSo if you have the chance please visit the Homo Faber event in Venice. It’s a free event, so you only have to enter the building and enjoy the amazing show! You won’t regret it!


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