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Home Office Decor Inspirations with Decorative Brass Hardware

Home Office Decor Inspirations with Decorative Brass Hardware ⇒ Improving your home office decor is an excellent way to certainly make your working sessions much more productive, especially on those days where motivation lacks. While it may not seem like it, decor details such as drawer or cabinet hardware can certainly contribute to your success as an uncluttered space will always boost creativity. In today’s article, PullCast Blog explores a series of home office design inspirations that highlight decorative brass hardware!


Home Office Decor Inspirations with Decorative Brass Hardware 6

This office design was conceived by DD Interior Studio and highlights a more feminine ambiance, with blush-colored walls and curtains accompanied by modern furnishings. The light blue rug adds a touch of color to the room and maintains the Anglo-Saxon decorations and matches seamlessly with the golden tones of the Skyline door pull.

Home Office Decor Inspirations with Decorative Brass Hardware 1

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Home Office Decor Inspirations with Decorative Brass Hardware 2

In this open-concept office space, Dôme Project Interiors showcased sophisticated Miami living at its finest. Besides incorporating furniture designs in softer hues, they also introduced elegant accessories like the Kesya cabinet hardware, an exclusive piece with a strong character that was inspired by the uneven texture of the bark pine tree.

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Home Office Decor Inspirations with Decorative Brass Hardware 13

This astounding home office design belongs to the dynamic duo of fashion designers, Lee Bloor and Matthew Lucian (Lavish Alice). Highly curated with sublime and bespoke details, this decor beautifully merges functionality. It features designs from brands such as The Rug Company, The Sofa and Chair Company, Rimadesio, and PullCast. The jewelry hardware shown in this office is the Flow door pull, an invigorating piece with an organic and fluid shape that decodes sophistication and personality.

Discover the Handle

⇒ Read Also: Admire 9 Exclusive Decorative Hardware Pieces in Lustrous Silver Tones

Home Office Decor Inspirations with Decorative Brass Hardware 11

Hungarian designer, Angelika Tóth designed the interiors of this retro style home design that highlights a darker color scheme of brown and green tones that benefits from golden accents from the Monocles drawer handles and lighting designs. brass hardware

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Discover the Handle

The Monocles decorative hardware can also be found in the exquisite mid-century modern office spaces below curated by Essential Home. This exclusive piece showcases extreme simplicity and understated elegance and it is best paired against darker furnishings.

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Home Office Decor Inspirations with Decorative Brass Hardware 4

⇒ Related Article: The Ultimate Sources to Discover Decorative Hardware Designs

Home Office Decor Inspirations with Decorative Brass Hardware 10

For a timeless home office decoration, this unique setting could easily become a great source of inspiration, featuring an astounding lighthouse-inspired lighting piece by LUXXU and exclusive modern furnishings, including the Brabbu’s Baraka desk, as well as vibrant pops of color throughout. Brass hardware found in the cabinets and desk, such as the Kerma handle comes to further enhance the overall decor. brass hardware

Discover the Handle

Home Office Decor Inspirations with Decorative Brass Hardware 5

This home office design acquires a more formal and modern character. Once again, lighting is fundamental, and here you can find three different lights, all equality stunning. The brass details found throughout, especially in the Waltz drawer handle, an industrial-styled piece with a dash of Art Deco influences, match perfectly with the black accents from the furniture designs.

Home Office Decor Inspirations with Decorative Brass Hardware 7 Discover the Handle


If you want to discover more about the exclusive and luxurious world of PullCast and our elegant collections of decorative and architectural hardware, then feel free to follow us on social media: Facebook, PinterestTwitter, Instagram, Linkedin, and Youtube!

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