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Luxury Hardware – Ocean Collection

Luxury Hardware – Ocean Collection ⇒  The ocean is wide and mysterious, and our own fascination with it resulted in the fusion of a natural wonder and human ingenuity to create pieces that represent the ocean and its irresistible vision of wonder.




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Luxury Hardware: Ocean Collection


We created authentical jewelry pieces that can not only compliment your cupboards, side tables and cabinetry but also elevate their design and honor nature’s treasures at the bottom of the sea, such as our Octo Drawer Handle, which almost perfectly resembles an octopus’ tentacles.

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PullCast has also dedicated various pieces to the reef corals at the bottom of our oceans, which are a major source of inspiration and wonder for our designers. Pieces such as the Codium, Toile, Coralo and Mussa lines all represent the different shapes and textures corals can have.


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Luxury Hardware: Ocean Collection



The Natica family, composed of Drawer Handles, Cabinet Handles and Door Pulls, mimics seashells, something which everyone loves to collect and admire from afar. Much like seashells, Natica appears to be small and shiny, containing small but important details that make it so unique.


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Luxury Hardware: Ocean Collection


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To represent Luxury Hardware in its finest, the Caviar line was crafted. These pieces are the perfect complement to a sophisticated kitchen or entertaining space as they represent such a world-renowned delicacy.

Get to know more about our Ocean Collection in our website. All the pieces are customizable to fit your preferences and to be perfect for any project.


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Discover the exclusive and luxury world of PullCast and dive in our amazing and elegant list of decorative and architectural hardware products. They will help you elevate and transform your home decor or your design project into a unique experience! Follow us on FacebookPinterestTwitterInstagramLinkedin, and Youtube!


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