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OitoemPonto: A Dynamic Duo with a Precise Interior Design Approach

OitoemPonto: A Dynamic Duo with a Precise Interior Design Approach ⇒ Based in Porto, the esteemed design studio was established in 1993 by Arthur Miranda and Jacques Bec, who together managed to create the ideal interior design story.






Arthur Miranda has vast experience in both the world of fashion and design and he has become quite the pioneer due to its modern vision of decoration. His ability to combine the unexpected and his innate sense of using color are what could best describe Miranda’s work savviness.


OitoemPonto A Dynamic Duo with a Precise Interior Design Approach


Jacques Bec brings a refreshing enthusiasm and French flair to OitoemPonto. The interior designer studied at the Met et Penninghen Graphic Arts School in Paris and his precious know-how has come to further upgrade the design studio’s approach towards interior design.


“To recognize the DNA of OITOEMPONTO is to understand that this story is made of many others that moves back and forward, whenever a project so requires.”


Signature Style


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Creating sublime decors are the dynamic duo’s expertise. Each production is the fruit of long hours of coordination during which the lifestyle of the client is examined in minute detail in order to create an optimum match for their needs and wishes.


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All in all, the dynamic duo’s signature style could be best defined as refined and convenient, bright and discreet as well as modern and timeless. No matter the challenge or project, the result is a subtle mixture of the owners’ tastes and the incomparable talent of Jacques Bec and Artur Miranda.


⇒ Related Article: Be In Wonder of 5 Eclectic Projects by Gert Voorjans


Top Interior Design Projects


OitoemPonto is specialized in decorating luxurious venues such as retail stores, luxury hotels, and restaurants as well as private residences. They worked a bit all over the world, but most of their projects are based in Porto, London, and Paris. Below, you can find some of the studio’s best projects, including a recently developed hospitality design in Porto.


Monumental Palace Hotel, Porto


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La Maison du Caviar Restaurant, Paris


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Summer Apartment, City of Ibiza


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Pavilion in a Private Countryside Resort, Luanda


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Town House Belgravia, London


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Summer Villa in Quinta do Lago, Algarve


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⇒ Read Also: Rodolphe Parente – A Conveyer of Textures in Artistic Designs




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All Image credits to OitoemPonto

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