Pierre Yovanovitch: A True Merger of Vintage and Contemporary Design ⇒ Best known for his “Made in France” signature style, Pierre Yovanovitch is straightforwardly regarded as one of the most creative interior designers in the world that certainly knows how to offer the extreme luxury feeling.
Since 2001, Pierre Yovanovitch’s interior design projects stand out for their refined sense of architectural scale over ostentation and fickle design trends. In today’s article, you take a look at some of the designer’s best projects to date, from five-star luxury hotels to high-end residences in a metropolis.

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For the interior architect, each commission is conceived as a one-off project tailored to the space as well as the personality and lifestyle of the client. A true sense of strength and sobriety characterizes a Pierre Yovanovitch interior, achieved through a masterful interplay of harmonious volumes and strict lines softened by lighting and authentic materials – wood, stone, marble, metal.

From lighting to furniture designs, everything the designer produces is made to measure and as such he regularly works with an elite network of artisans. An eclectic, curated selection of works by international designers underscores the couture approach. Sobriety, balance, comfort, and modernity are his keywords. The ultimate perfectionist, Pierre Yovanovitch conceives each project as a work of art.

All in all, Pierre Yavanovicth is known for crafting historic elements with contemporary features, whether we are talking about a historical French chateau or an NYC penthouse, you are bound to find this exquisite combination of styles.

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Source: Pierre Yovanovitch